"Fix you samson"

2010-09-08, 21:19:47 / Kategori: Isabella Duran

Whem you try your best but you don't succsed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tierd but you can't sleep

When you lose something you can't replace
When you love somone but it's go's to waste

And I will try too fix you  

(inte hela början av sången)

och Samson

You are my sweatest I loved you first
I have too go, I have too go
your hair were long when we first meet

And behind this the dark came falling on our hat
but there's just those light

and historsbooks fogot about us and the bibel did't 
menage us, not even once

(vet ej om jag skrivit riktigt rätt haha)

åhåå det finns så mååånga bra låtar alltså! :)

Godnight, isabella :*




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